y coordinate




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1·Y coordinates: The Y coordinate is a point's vertical distance from the origin.
Y 坐标:Y 坐标是某一个点距离原点的纵向距离。
2·True multitouch capability would allow for an X and Y coordinate reading of each finger position.
真正的多触点功能将允许读取每个手指位置的 X 和 Y 坐标。
3·The location of a point feature, such as a bore hole , can be described by a single x, y coordinate.
4·This instrument is a three-coordinate measuring system, which consists of two displacement coordinates X. Y and a rotary coordinate X.
5·Notice how the TouchPad picks up zero fingers, as well as the X and Y coordinate readings when pressing two fingers at widely varying spaces.
在使用不同的距离按两根手指时,请注意 TouchPad 如何获得零触点以及 X 和 Y 坐标读数。
6·For example, one triangle shape was cut out crossing the grid between the first floor and the second, and placed beyond the X and Y coordinate plane.
7·He discovered co-ordinate geometry; so in school when you are learning about x and y coordinates and they were called Cartesian coordinate that's after Descartes.
8·The line graph stylesheet included a fair amount of calculation, and the stylesheet rendering lines of text also included a fair amount of logic to calculate the y coordinate.
线图样式表包括了大量计算,并且呈现文本行的样式表还包括了大量逻辑来计算 y 坐标。
9·Once again, this is specified using an (x,y) coordinate pair.
同样,这个位置也要用一对 (x,y) 坐标来指定。
10·And, in terms of a graph, they correspond to slicing by a plane that's parallel to one of the coordinate planes, so that we either keep x constant, or keep y constant.
更新时间:2025-02-23 11:02